Civil rights focused Alternative Spring Break Trip
Saturday, March 23rd to Wednesday, March 27th, 2019
Application Deadline: Friday, January 25th
From the Montgomery Bus Boycott, to the Freedom Riders, to the Bloody Sunday confrontation on the Edmund Pettis Bridge and the March from Selma to Montgomery, to the Freedom Schools of Freedom Summer, and more… Georgia and Alabama have been home to both horrific and heroic moments. Today the south is also home to numerous memorials, museums, and monuments to these moments in history.
Join us as we examine and remember our history, recognize and celebrate our heroes, and reflect on the on-going struggle that is race in America. Our five-day trip, will take us to Montgomery, Selma, and Birmingham, in Alabama as well as Atlanta, Georgia, and will include lodgings, most meals, flights, ground transportation, entries into museums, monuments, and memorials, and of course group dialogue that will challenge us to explore these powerful topics for ourselves, our group and our community. The trip is coordinated by the Caltech Center for Diversity and the Caltech Y and made possible thanks to the Frank and Elsie Stefanko, and George Housner, Funds.
Since the Civil Rights Focused ASB Trip is scheduled during spring break, we understand that some may not want to return to Los Angeles - opting to stay in Atlanta or travel from there to other destinations. To make this possible we are offering 2 options:
Option 1: Cost $650 Round Trip Travel from, and returning to, Los Angeles (Caltech)
Option 2: Cost $550 One Way Travel from Caltech (Los Angeles) to Atlanta and Alabama
All options include lodgings, most meals, educational discussions session, flights and ground transportation provided based on the option you choose.
The Civil Rights Alternative Spring Break Trip is possible thanks to generous funding from the Frank and Elsie Stefanko Fund, the George Housner Fund, Caltech Center for Diversity and the Caltech Y.
Applications are available here or at the button below: Download PDF Application
Please download an application, fill it in, save it as CivilRights.yourname.PDF (for example CivilRights.Fletcher.PDF) then send it in electronically to
Application Deadline: Friday, January 25th