LEAP Project Donation Drive
Collecting donations until early Spring term 2025
To rsvp:
The LEAP Project will be working with two high schools from La Puente this quarter, Glen Wilson High School and William Workman High School.  The donation drive will be launching next Monday, March 3rd 2025, and will last throughout the Winter and early Spring quarter. We will be reaching out to the entire Caltech campus as well as local businesses that have expressed interest in providing donations. Items requested include:
Electronic balance
Glassware (Graduate cylinders, Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, burets)
Water bath
Hot plates
Stirring hot plate
Micropipettes and tips
pH meter
Thin layer or liquid chromatography
Stereo or Compound microscopes
Incubators and Ovens
Protective equipment (gloves, lab coats)
Interested donors can reach out to LEAP by filling up a survey form on https://leap.caltech.edu/action. More information on requested items can be found on https://leap.caltech.edu/action