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Lucy Guernsey Service Award Honors Student Volunteers


The Lucy Guernsey Service Award is given in honor of Lucy Guernsey, the Caltech Y Executive Director from 1989-1991 in recognition of her leadership, dedication to students, and diligence to furthering the Y’s commitment to volunteerism. The selection criteria for the award includes exceptional service to the Caltech Y and the community, involvement with on- and off-campus service projects, as well as leadership in community and volunteer service efforts.

This year, the Caltech Y selected three graduate students as the Lucy Guernsey Service Award recipients: Amy McCarthy, Michael Anaya, and Zoila Jurado Quiroga. All three of them are Rise Program tutors, have served on the Rise Advisory Committee, and care deeply about serving their community.

Above (L-R): Rise tutors and Lucy Guernsey Awardees Amy McCarthy, Michael Anaya and Zoila Juardo Quiroga.

Amy McCarthy has been a Rise Program tutor for six years, the longest of any tutor in the history of the program!

One of the things I like best about Amy is how she helps her students prepare for tests. If they are going to take an AP test, she buys a prep book (at her own expense), takes it apart, and makes smaller folders that focus on the different sections of the test. This helps make studying for a daunting test less intimidating and more manageable for her students.

Amy, Mike, and Zoila are so much more than just tutors; they’re also leaders and mentors.

Michael Anaya has been a tutor for five years, has led tutor workshops and, is an exceptional tutor. I try not to ask Mike to substitute too much, because every time I place him with a new student, that student will ask for Mike to be his regular tutor, but there is only one Mike to go around! Mike is extremely patient and very friendly and his students feel comfortable immediately. He also makes our advisory committee meetings much more fun!

Zoila Juardo Quiroga has been a Rise Program tutor for three years and has been instrumental in starting the Rise Program at Muir High School. This year, we took the Rise Program to Muir’s campus. Zoila helped with the orientations for the Spanish-speaking parents and when we became a little short staffed at the Caltech Y, Zoila stepped up and accepted responsibility for the Muir Program. She coordinates with the tutors and the students to ensure the program runs smoothly.

Amy, Mike, and Zoila are so much more than just tutors; they’re also leaders and mentors. Their inputs at advisory committee meetings and contributions to the Rise Program have been outstanding, and we are honored to present them with the Lucy Guernsey Service Award.

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. - Kahlil Gibran

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