We're proud to announce that Caltech Y has been featured in an article by the Pasadena Star News. This recognition underscores our commitment to combining scientific inquiry with a deep sense of community service and leadership. Join us in celebrating this milestone as we continue to inspire and develop the next generation of scientific leaders who are as passionate about serving the world. Check out the article to see how we're making a difference both inside and outside the laboratory. https://www.pasadenastarnews.com/2023/11/12/as-science-marches-on-caltech-y-hones-a-public-service-mindset-in-future-leaders/?fbclid=IwAR0PE4wyDG0YGDIHc0cI7wML-Rz6Oo5Z-fNEZwFnlrKwiaQ4siI4rV03Q10
