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Congratulations to the Lucy Guernsey Service Award Recipients

The Lucy Guernsey Service Award is given in honor of Lucy Guernsey, the Caltech Y Executive Director from 1989-1991, in recognition of her leadership, dedication to students, and diligence in furthering the Y’s commitment to volunteerism.

The selection criteria for the award include exceptional service to the Y and the community, involvement with on- and off-campus service projects, and leadership in community and volunteer service efforts.

In 2019, we selected three graduate students to receive the Lucy Guernsey Service Award. Sarah Sam, Stephanie Threatt, and Kyle Virgil were chosen for their exceptional work tutoring and mentoring students in the Rise Program and for their outstanding “STEMonstrations” at local Pasadena schools.

As members of Black Scientists and Engineers of Caltech (BSEC), Sarah, Stephanie, and Kyle partnered with the Center for Diversity to host “STEMonstrations.” They visited Pasadena schools in their custom black lab coats and blew the students minds with their elaborate demos. Their first demo at Muir High School featured liquid nitrogen, electrodes to control fellow classmates’ arm movements, and a color fountain. You’ve never heard high school students having so much fun with science. They were laughing hysterically. This is one example of how Sarah, Stephanie, and Kyle contribute to the community and promote diversity in the sciences.

Check out a video of Sarah, Stephanie, and Kyle in action and see why they are so deserving of this award!


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