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Introducing a New Collaboration with ASCIT and the YWCA: Girls in the YWCA TechGYRLS


The Caltech Y is excited to announce a new program in collaboration with ASCIT and the YWCA starting in January 2021. Girls in the YWCA TechGYRLS® programs will be matched with Caltech college students who serve as STEAM mentors. Mentors provide four hours per month of individual tutoring and mentoring to help girls achieve academic excellence and successfully navigate their personal journeys in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. The program kicks off virtually, with 20 girls and 20 Caltech mentors, and possibilities for in-person mentorship in the future.

The program was spearheaded by Caltech undergraduate student and ASCIT President, Varun Shanker, with support from the Caltech Y. Shanker said this about ASCIT’s motivation to start a mentorship program: “Over the past year, the important role we, as students and as a united student organization, play in our local community has been increasingly clear. Many of us have had impactful mentors or have found mentors on this campus who have shaped our interests and future path. Inspired by these two facts, ASCIT has been working with the Caltech Y to develop a new Caltech Community Mentors Program. The core mission of this program is to provide youth in our local community with a structured support group that can help them navigate challenges on the path to college and develop new college and career readiness skills. As an undergraduate community, we strongly believe that we can utilize the experience and expertise of Caltech undergraduate students to mentor and impact younger students as they consider career opportunities and chart the course of higher education, particularly in STEAM.”

ASCIT is also exploring opportunities to grow student engagement by partnering with other local organizations, based on interest. We are excited to work alongside ASCIT, the Caltech Y ExComm, and our student leaders as they continue to expand their service efforts in the community.


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