We are pleased to announce that the Caltech Y has received a significant contribution from a long-time Friend to support the Rise Tutoring Program over the next 10 years.
This generous gift allows for the expansion of Rise to serve more students. To accomplish this, we welcomed a familiar face to the Rise team. Camila Fernandez, who has been on staff at the Caltech Y for the past four years, will now be dedicated to Rise and other student programs. As a native Spanish speaker, Camila has been able to translate all materials and emails into Spanish. As a result, Rise has been able to enroll more students, and further extend the Rise Program.
Muir is the furthest high school from Caltech and getting student's to Caltech's campus can be a struggle
In addition, Rise has also expanded to John Muir High School. Over the past 12 years, the Rise Program has had very few students from Muir High School. Muir is the furthest high school from Caltech and getting students to Caltech’s campus can be a struggle. In order to make the program more accessible to all Pasadena high school students, we implemented a satellite version of the Rise Program on Muir’s campus. We started the program on January 18 and are excited to continue to grow the program.
The decision to expand into John Muir High School came after a request from the former principal of Muir. At the time, the program did not have the capacity to expand, but we are thrilled to do so now. Dr. Lawton Gray, the current principal of Muir, is an enthusiastic partner and is looking forward to having Caltech Y students tutoring and mentoring Muir students.
We are incredibly grateful to have received this substantial gift and are looking forward to the next 10 years of the Rise Program.
- Liz Jackman, Assistant Director of Student Programs
