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Students Spend Summer and Early Fall Doing Community Service and Reconnecting with the Outdoors


The summer and early fall was well spent at the Caltech Y. Some of the students' most cherished programs came back after a long hiatus due to COVID, and we established some new partnerships, giving the students fresh opportunities to connect with the community. On July 11th, three Caltech students helped approx 50 local youth become engineers for a day at the Day One - SKILLZ Workshop Summer Camp. There, they organized a lunch workshop where students designed boats made from modeling clay.

A fun day soaking in the sunshine was spent on the Trippet Ranch Day Hike in Topanga State Park. The hike was led by four Caltech students who coordinated travel and arrangements for visiting and local SURF/WAVE students.

On September 30th, The Caltech Y and SURF office cosponsored a mini Farmer's Market for summer students on the Caltech Y front lawn. Over 100 students stopped by to pick up healthy food. A special thank you to the Caltech Employee's Federal Credit Union for their awesome donation of bags and water bottles for the event.

All summer, groups of students participated in the Union Station Adopt-a-Meal Program, one of the first programs to return in person. They volunteered at both the local Family and Adult Centers to provide home-cooked meals for shelter residents. All graduate and undergraduate student volunteers coordinated, shopped, cooked, and served meals for the centers.

This year, we also saw the return of the annual Y-Hike, the first since the beginning of the pandemic! The group of new and returning students headed to Sequoia National Park, where they hiked and saw "The General Sherman", the largest tree in the world. Upon their return to LA after camping and hiking, the group went kayaking in Long Beach. From the mountains to the beach to Caltech!


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