The Caltech Y Rise Tutoring Program received a two-year grant from the Medtronic Foundation as it expands equity-based science, technology, engineering, and science (STEM) partnerships to reach over 30,000 students in new locations. The Medtronic Foundation launched 10 partnerships with leading equity-based STEM organizations serving students in Southern California, Colorado, and Ireland, among them the Caltech Y Rise Tutoring Program. Partnerships will remove barriers to quality STEM education and create opportunity for economic advancement.
The partnership with the Medtronic Foundation will enable the Caltech Y to strengthen and extend its STEM
pipeline. With additional support, the Caltech Y will open its summer 2023 programming to elementary school
students and enhance data collection to better track academic performance. The Caltech Y will also increase efforts to help current Rise students transition from high school to college by funding more scholarships and forging a partnership with Pasadena City College.
"The Caltech Y founded the Rise Program in 2006, driven by the belief that any student could excel in STEM if given the opportunity, and we found great partners in the Pasadena community, including Caltech, PUSD, and parents, who shared that vision,” said Athena Castro, the executive director of the Caltech Y. “We are grateful for the Medtronic Foundation’s generosity and look forward to helping even more underrepresented students become tomorrow’s engineers and scientists.”
Medtronic plc is the sole funder of the Medtronic Foundation, whose focus is on improving lives for underserved populations worldwide, as well as supporting communities in which Medtronic employees live and give. For more information, please visit medtronicfoundation.org.
We are excited to partner with the Medtronic Foundation to strengthen and expand the Rise Program!